The Faculty Self-Government Council


The Faculty Self-Government Council of the Faculty of Mechatronics is a group of students that strives to make life more pleasant and simpler for other students. We organise various outings with the main aim of integration, help solve problems with instructors, accommodate students in dormitories and organise additional training and cultural events that enable you to develop beyond the scope offered by your studies. 

Our activities are not only for leisure purposes. They include responsibilities such as participating in the Faculty Council and various Dean's Committees. 

As WRS, we are part of the Warsaw University of Technology Student Government, which has a huge influence on the operation of Warsaw University of Technology, and we have our delegates in the Warsaw University of Technology Student Parliament. 

Do you have any problems related to your studies or living in a student residence? Let us know. 

Do you have an idea for an event or action? We'll be happy to help you make it happen. Join us and get involved! 

Just want to have a chat? Come along to room 22 in the Department of Mechatronics. The door is always open for students!


Faculty Students Council for 2024-2025:

Chairwoman: Magdalena Ciąpała

 Vice-Chaiwoman: Zofia Tofil


WRS members:    

Committee on Sports and Tourism - Marcel Szpanel

Committee on Culture - Jakub Szeląg

Committee on Promotion and External Relations - Gabriela Pakuła

Committee on International Cooperation - Jakub Gajos

Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs - Tomasz Wypych

Social Committee - Maciej Oziębło

Committee on Teaching - Nikolaos Simopulos

Accommodation Committee - Filip Kownacki




Join us, the self-government is created by all PW students!

Do you want to join the Council? Here are some reasons for doing so:

  • You can create something new
  • You will learn to coordinate events
  • You meet new people and make new friends
  • You will see that while studying you can combine learning with having fun
  • You will help students with problems related to classes, credits, or non-compliance with regulations
  • You will meet the authorities of the Faculty and have the opportunity to work with them directly
  • And many, many more

You can also contact us via our Facebook and Instagram.