
Przyjmowanie dokumentów potwierdzających chęć podjęcia studiów

Kandydaci zakwalifikowani na studia I stopnia na Wydział Mechatroniki PW w roku akad. 2024/2025

Przyjmowanie dokumentów potwierdzających chęć podjęcia studiów odbywać się będzie w dniach:

19.07. 2024 do 24.07.2024 w godz. 9:00 -15:00

Wydział Mechatroniki PW ul. św. A. Boboli 8 Warszawa Pok. 119 ( I piętro)

( UWAGA – warunkiem przyjęcia na studia jest dostarczenie dokumentów)

Informacja dla kandydatów na studia II stopnia rozpoczynające się od semestru zimowego roku akademickiego 2024/2025

Wydział Mechatroniki Politechniki Warszawskiej będzie przeprowadzał rekrutację na studia II stopnia (studia magisterskie stacjonarne) w roku akademickim 2024/2025 na następujących kierunkach studiów: automatyka, robotyka i informatyka przemysłowa, mechatronika, inżynieria biomedyczna. Na wszystkich kierunkach studia będą realizowane wg systemu tutorskiego - bez specjalności.

Ranking Perspektyw 2024

To już czwarty rok z rzędu, kiedy nasz Wydział zajmuje miejsce na podium w rankingu Perspektyw. Również i w tym roku nasza Automatyka i Robotyka okazała się najlepsza wśród uczelni wyższych a Inżynieria Biomedyczna zajęła zaszczytne II miejsce. Wierzymy, że w przyszłym roku będzie podobnie!

Falling Walls Lab

Falling Walls Lab is a world-class competition for the timely presentation of breakthrough start-up ideas that brings together a diverse and interdisciplinary community of students and budding professionals, providing them with a platform to present innovative ideas. Participants are tasked with presenting the results of their scientific research or business ideas in just three minutes. The winners of the Wrocław edition will perform in the international final, taking place in Berlin. Deadline: 14 September 2024, 1 p.m. Venue: University of Wrocław, Oratorium Marianum, pl. Uniwersytecki 1, Wrocław. Deadline: 13 August 2024. Follow here for details

The James Dyson Award

Only 3 weeks left until the closing date for applications! The call for entries for the international competition organised by the James Dyson Foundation is now open. If you are studying engineering or a related field and think your project can change the world, the James Dyson Award Competition is for you! Enter the James Dyson Award Competition and change the world for the better with your invention! The task is simple: 'Design something that solves a problem'. Entries can be submitted until 17 July 2024. This year, national stage winners will receive a prize of £25,200 and international winners up to £151,400. Follow here for more details. We are waiting for you!

Nanoparticles appreciated

We are happy to announce that Agnieszka Jastrzębska,. PhD, BEng wrote an article that has been published in the Forbes Women magazine. The nano-technologist, a professor at the Faculty of Mechatronics, she was appreciated for her work on applications of nanoparticles in production of bioactive materials. “The nanoparticles I have discovered are highly effective in killing germs. They are an effective means of creating self-sterilising coats in places that are particularly exposed spreading germs. This is our main competitive advantage” - says the CEO of ADJ Nanotechnology.

21st of June 2024 – meeting with Toyota Gazoo Racing

Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering and Toyota Gazoo Racing are inviting to a meeting at 21st of June 2024 at the WUT Main Building. During the meeting there will be a presentation of the GR Yaris Rally1 Hybrid car and Toyota Yaris GR daily car. There are also meeting with TGR engineers, team and car presentation and Q&A planned. 

PhD Studies at WUT? Make your dreams come true!

Our PhD students are conquering Poland and the world! They have won the international competition for the James Dyson Prize, are regularly among our country's outstanding young scientists, and receive grants, scholarships and awards. Recruitment to our PhD School takes place in the form of a competition, within individual scientific disciplines. Registration for the winter semester of the 2024/2025 academic year is open in 15 disciplines. There are 115 places available for applicants, including five in biomedical engineering. Registration for the winter semester of the 2024/2025 academic year is open until 26 July. More

New Pro-Deans

Of Faculty of Mechatronics for 2024-2028

Director of Mining First Class

We are proud to announce that the Head of the Department of Sensors and Measurement Systems from the Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering of our Faculty, Mateusz Turkowski, ProfTit., PhDD.Sc., received the degree yesterday: Director of Mining First Class. The diploma was presented during the 9th Congress of the Polish Gas Industry organised by the Chamber of Commerce of the Gas Industry. Our sincere congratulations!

Enrollment for the 3rd edition of the ENHANCE Blue-Green-IN Climate Change Summer School 2024 at PW has begun

On July 1, 2023, the 3rd edition of the international summer school ENHANCE “Blue-Green-IN Climate Change Summer School 2024 ', which is organized by Warsaw University of Technology, will begin. Through international peer-to-peer networking within our Enhance academic community, you will learn about global environmental issues and define local opportunities together. 

Announcement of the Chairman of Faculty Electorcs Committee

Dear members of the Community of the Faculty of Mechatronics, fulfilling the procedural requirements for the opinion of candidates for the position of Pro-Dean of the Faculty of Mechatronics, I would like to invite you to an open information meeting with the Dean Elect and candidates for the position of Pro-Dean of the Faculty of Mechatronics of PW, which is scheduled for 12 June, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in room 14.

Please be advised that you may put forward your questions to the candidates via a form (available here) and send it in a digital form to the WKE secretary:, by 12:00, 11 June, 2024. Please also bring a signed copy to the meeting.

LASPA Space Project

Dariusz Wieczorek, The Minister of Science, visited the Warsaw University of Technology to meet with the Rector, students and PhD students of the universities from the Mazovia region. A special highlight of the visit was the presentation of the projects and achievements of students study groups. These included, among others, the Photonic Engineering Students Study Group, which presented their LASPA Space Project. Its goal is to meet the growing demand for proper food and nutrients for astronauts to optimise future space missions. 

Orlen Value Chain Academy

The Orlen Group has announced recruitment for a year-long training and education programme run jointly with the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology, prepared for candidates interested in a practical and holistic understanding of the functioning of the value chain of a multi-utility concern. The Academy's programme includes technological, logistical, commercial, financial, regulatory, investment, development and IT elements. Lecturers from our University will teach courses in chemical engineering, linear programming, data analysis, mathematical modelling, logistics and econometrics, among others. Applications are open until 17 July 2024. Applicants with no more than five years of professional experience can apply. More.

Scholarships from the capital city of Warsaw for PhD students

The call for applications for the 6th edition of the Warsaw City of Warsaw scholarships for PhD students has begun. We invite people with doctoral status from all over Poland to carry out research for Warsaw! This year, 7 offices of the Warsaw City Hall have submitted 13 research areas. The research project carried out under the scholarship does not have to coincide with a PhD. We would like to invite you to a consultation meeting for those interested in the scholarship and to talk to the people in charge. More

Scientific Picnic

„Unbelievable!” – this is the motto of the Scientific Picnic that will take place on 15 June 2024 between 11:00 and 20:00 at PGE Narodowy. We will be there, too, with our projects and experiments. Entry free of charge. This is the second time we will prepare an extensive PW stand there. The spotlight will be on our students science clubs. Where to find us? Visit us at The Future Zone, stand B7. More

Accelerating Science

Take a journey through the CERN universe with the ‘Accelerating Science’ multimedia exhibition dedicated to the European Centre for Nuclear Research. The exhibition is organised jointly by the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University, the University of Warsaw, the IFJ PAN and the National Centre for Nuclear Research as part of the 70th anniversary of CERN establishing. The exhibition will be available during working days and weekends of 8-9 June and 15-16 June. Entry free of charge. Organised groups (of up to 35 people) are asked to register via the form. More

Ukraine Day

Warsaw University of Technology is organising a Ukraine Day. This event is part of the Enhance Task Force Ukraine - one of the initiatives of the ENHANCE consortium of European universities, to which our University belongs. The Ukraine Day is organised in cooperation with the Universitat Politècnica de València, with the participation of the polytechnics of Kiev and Lviv. The event will take place on 06.06 from 09:00 - 14:00 in a hybrid formula - online and on the premises of the Warsaw University of Technology (in the building at 4 Rektorska Street) and Universitat Politècnica de València. The event will be conducted in English. More

Telemedicine and e-Health 2024

We invite participants from a wide range of disciplines related to telemedicine, e-health, telehealth and m-health to participate in a conference aimed at presenting highly innovative research in telemedicine and related fields. The event provides a meeting place for academic researchers and R&D practitioners from all fields related to the development of telemedicine solutions: medicine, healthcare services, public health, biomedical engineering, computer science, information technology, social sciences and economics. The conference is co-organised by the Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering of the Faculty of Mechatronics, Warsaw University of Technology. Date: 5 September 2024. More