Let’s meet at the PW Christmas Fair
For the ninth time, fair houses will be erected on the square in front of the Main Building of Warsaw University of Technology. Ours - the PW one - will be, as always, charitable. It is an opportunity to buy souvenirs and Christmas delicacies. There will also be other attractions. We invite you to join us on 5 and 6 December from 10.00 to 17.00.
Zapisy do szkoły wiosennej “Gender and Diversity in Science, Technology and Society (STS)" w ramach ENHANCE (do 9 ECTS) - DEADLINE 17.01.2025. W imieniu Centrum Współpracy Międzynarodowej PW i konsorcjum ENHANCE, do którego należy Politechnika Warszawska, zapraszamy do trwających zapisów do szkoły wiosennej "Gender and Diversity in Science, Technology and Society (STS)"organizowanej w ramach ENHANCE przez Politechnikę w Berlinie. Mikroprogram umożliwia uzyskanie 3-9 ECTS.
Biblioteka Główna uzyskała testowy dostęp do narzędzia SciFlow, które usprawni Państwa pracę przy pisaniu tekstów naukowych. Jest to narzędzie dedykowane badaczom, studentom i innym osobom pracującym nad projektami naukowymi. Dostęp testowy będzie aktywny do 26 stycznia 2025 r. Dostęp i rejestracja na stronie SciFlow dla Politechniki Warszawskiej - wymagane jest założenie konta przy użyciu adresu e-mail z domeną PW.
9 listopada spłonął dom pana Zdzisława, pracującego na portierni Polnej 50. Dom nie był ubezpieczony, nic nie ocalało. Obecnie pan Zdzisław próbuje mieszkać w pomieszczeniu gospodarczym, które sam ociepla. Chcemy, by dzięki zbiórce mógł wiosną odbudować dom. Pan Zdzisław to skromny człowiek, który dopiero po namowach zdecydował się na organizację zbiórki. W jego imieniu dziękujemy za każde wsparcie! Link do zrzutki
The PhD School of Warsaw University of Technology announces the call for applications in the 1st competition within the NAWA PROM PW 2024 project. The programme concerns the financing of short-term academic exchange, i.e. trips of 5 to 30 days for both employees and PhD students. The call for applications within the 1st competition will last until 20.12.2024. Applications will be submitted electronically at the following address projekty.sd@pw.edu.pl.
Bravo, Szymon Cygan!!! Your determination and masterful form took us to the podium! - We got 2nd place in the Rector's Cup Run! Congratulations and thank you for representing our Faculty in this way!
Are you ready for the most beautiful carnival night of the year? ‘Karnavauli’ is an event you can't miss! Let's transport ourselves into the magical world of ‘Symphony of the Seasons’. We can't wait for you to join us! Share the event with your friends and together we will create a ‘’Karnavauli‘’ that no one will forget. See you at the ball! Tickets
Agnieszka Jastrzębska, ProfTit., PhD, BEng, represented our university at the Shizuoka University in Japan. The meeting included:
- Presentation of Warsaw University of Technology (general)
- Presentation of Faculty of Mechatronics (general)
- Presentation of the Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering (as the Head)
- Innovative 2D Materials (MXenes) for Clean Environment, Energy Production, Optoelectronics, and Biomaterials scientific presentation
- Visits:
- Yoshimasa Kawata, Prof., Vice-Rector for Research, Thrustee (Optical Science Lab.)
- Prof. Moraru-chaired meeting with representatives of Shizuoka University Organization for International Collaboration: Assoc. Prof. Yuko Ryan and Prof. Noriko Matsuda and representatives of Graduate Schools: Prof. Kazuhiko Hara and Prof. Jun Kondoh
A free psychological support service has been launched for all students, PhD students and employees.
Internal, current information and deadlines, as well as forms and printables, can be found on the SharePoint Platform.
Schedules of classes and sessions
Social media
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 10-15
(brake 12:30-13:30)
Wednesday 13:30-15
Friday 10-12:30
- 23.12.2024 (Monday) - beginning of winter holidays
- 01.01.2025 (Wednesday) - last day of winter holidays
- 08.01.2025 (Wednesday) - classes as scheduled on Monday
- 29.01.2025 r. (Wednesday) - end of winter semester classes
- 30.01.2025 (Thursday) - beginning of winter examination session, university exam in foreign languages at B2/C1 Academic level, deadline for submission of diploma thesis for first degree studies
- 12.02.2025 (Wednesday) - last day of winter examination session, deadline for submission of diploma thesis for second degree studies
- 13.02.2025 (Thursday) - beginning of the registration period
- 19.02.2025 r. (Wednesday) - last day of the registration period, end of winter semester
Catalogue of R+D services of the Faculty of Mechatronics
Scientific and business partners are welcome to contact and cooperate with us.