Tutoring is both about variety and unity

Tutoring is both about variety and unity

The tutor system enabled me to catch up in those areas that caught my attention but which were beyond the scope of my education up to that moment. It allowed me to match my plan of studies to my interest and to my extra-university activities.

Even after the BEng studies I wanted to slightly change my area of interest to the broadly understood machine vision, thanks to the tutor system I could still choose my courses so as not to lose contact with my previous area of expertise, photonics engineering. I cannot imagine any other studies that would include precisely the courses I need for my further development and which at the same time I find enjoyable - they are my hobby. This is definitely a positive and strong impulse for further studies.

As a result of participating in the new system, I was really able to learn a lot and acquire much knowledge from an area I had barely any contact with in the past. It’s worth mentioning here that the key factor was also the regular cooperation with my tutor, without which I wouldn’t be able to dive into topics I had not known before. Obviously, this cooperation entails a regular work on my own project, but thanks to the constant contact with my tutor I knew which course to take in order to achieve satisfying results.

As I have mentioned before, my main area of interest during my MA studies revolves around machine vision, and more specifically around projective mapping. I strive to create a system which in future will be able to map different patterns, schemata, visualisations and similar in real time onto moving objects. It is very satisfying that I can participate in the SmartTracking project, connected with the area of my interest. Its goal is to create a system supporting volleyball referees. At the same time, as a result of being able to adjust my Individual Course Plan with photonics engineering topics, I became a coauthor of a scientific paper, which created a neural network for mapping the density of stripes based on the stripped images acquired with different interferometric methods. A degree of diversity and unity in my day-to-day activities is definitely what I hoped for and got during my tutor studies!

Filip Brzeski – student of MA studies