Faculty Authorities

Dean of the Faculty of Mechatronics

Robert Sitnik, ProfTit., PhD, BEng

Dean’s Office

Aleksandra Gawin, BEng
Main Building of MEchatronics, room 121
phone no.: (22) 234 8589, (22) 234 8338
fax: (22) 849 99 36
e-mail: dziekan.mchtr@pw.edu.pl


Deputy Dean for General Affairs
Sergiusz Łuczak, PhD, BEng, University Professor

room. 608

internal phone no,: (22) 234 8315
e-mail: prodziekan.ogolne.mchtr@pw.edu.pl


Deputy Dean for Students Affairs and Promotion
Szymon Cygan, PhD, BEng

room. 40

internal no.: (22) 234 8664
e-mail: prodziekan.studenci.mchtr@pw.edu.pl

Deputy Dean for Science Affairs
Michał Józwik, PhD, BEng, University Professor

room 513A

internal phone no.: (22) 234 8518
e-mail: prodziekan.nauka.mchtr@pw.edu.pl

Deputy Dean for Education
Olga Iwasińska-Kowalska, PhD, BEng

room 124

internal phone no.: (22) 234 8456
e-mail: prodziekan.ksztalcenie.mchtr@pw.edu.pl
office hours Tuesday 10:15-11:00 room. 124


Head of the Dean’s Office
Beata Dobrzeniecka, MA

room 122

internal phone no.: (22) 234 8579, (22) 2348456

external phone no.: (22) 849 07 11

fax: (22) 849-99-36

e-mail: dziekanat.mchtr@pw.edu.pl