Council of PhD Students
The PhD Students Council of Warsaw University of Technology represents the community of PhD students of all modes of third-level studies who study at Warsaw University of Technology. We are a harmonious and creative team of about 30 delegates out of almost 1000 PhD students at the Warsaw University of Technology. We believe that people are rarely successful if they do not enjoy what they do (Dale Carnegie). That is why our activities are based on the fusion of taking valuable initiatives with attention to a friendly atmosphere.
Our activities include:
(1) the representation of the interests of PhD Students in their contact with the University Authorities and other organisations,
(2) protection of the rights of PhD students and support in conflict resolution,
(3) giving opinions on official documents, so that we have a real influence on the status of PhD Students, our rights and obligations,
(4) promotion of the activities of PhD students of PW (e.g. patronage of initiatives organised by doctoral students of PW, patronage of initiatives organised for the benefit of PhD students of PW),
(5) organisation of useful (including certified) training courses, which are not covered by the programme of the PhD School (e.g. negotiation techniques, Prince2),
(6) integration of the PW PhD Students community (e.g. cinema, theatre, bowling, board games, Young Scientists Gala). You can find coverage of our activities at the links below.