Decisions of the Dean of Mechatronics


  • 1/2024 - 7/02/2024 w sprawie przekazania obowiązków podczas nieobecności - link
  • 7/2024 - 22/04/2024 w sprawie wyznaczenia dnia wolnego za 31.05.2024 - link
  • 7/05/2024 - w sprawie godzin dziekańskich w dniu 16.05.2024 r - link
  • 18/2024 - 3.06.2024 w sprawie zaopiniowania minimalnych wymogów rejestracyjnych na kolejny etap studiów w roku akademickim 2024/2025 dla studentów studiów stacjonarnych oraz dla studentów studiów niestacjonarnych OKNO Wydziału Mechatroniki PW - link


  • 1/20223 - 12/05/2023 regarding the appointment of a Coordinator for the implementation of accounting for teaching hours in the USOS system at the Faculty of Mechatronics of PW - link
  • 2/20223 - 15/05/2023 on the introduction of Dean's hours - link
  • 3/2023 - 6/06/2023 on opining minimal registration requirements for the next study stage in 2023/24 academic year for stationary and non-stationary studies (OKNO) of the PW Faculty of Mechatronics - link
  • 4/2023 - 20/06/2023 on creating a Team for Education Programmes for 2nd degree Biomedical Engineering studies at the Faculty of Mechatronics - link
  • 5/2023 - 22/06/2023 on introducing shortened work time for the Faculty of Mechatronics employees on 22 and 23 June 2023 - lin
  • 6/2023 - 05/07/2023 on introducing shorter work time for the Faculty of Mechatronics employees on 5 July 2023 - link
  • 7/2023 - 12/07/2023 on introducing shorter work time for the Faculty of Mechatronics employees on 12 July 2023 - link
  • 8/2023 - 10/07/2023 on passing on duties during absence - link
  • 9/2023 - 10/07/2023 on passing on duties during absence - link
  • 10/2023 - 30/08/2023 on passing on duties during absence - link


  • 1/2022 - 27/01/2022 regarding the delegation of responsibilities during leave - link
  • 2/2022 - 28/01/2022 on reviewing and updating the terms of reference of non-academic staff of the Faculty of Mechatronics - link
  • 3/2022 - 14/03/2022 on the appointment of the Dean's Commission for the development strategy of the Faculty of Mechatronics - link
  • 4/2022 - 05/04/2022 on the appointment of the Committee on Occupational Risk Assessment to update the Occupational Risk Assessment Cards of the employees of the Faculty of Mechatronics - link
  • 5/2022 - dated 11/04/2022, on establishing the Dean’s Committee for a diploma nostrification - link
  • 6/2022 - dated 24/05/2022, on passing duties during absence - link
  • 7/2022 - dated 24/05/2022, on Dean’s hours - link
  • 8/2022 - dated 09/06/2022, on establishing a committee for a diploma nostrification - link
  • 9/2022 - dated 13/06/2022, on passing the duties of the Director of Metrology and Biomedical Institute during his absence - link


  • 28/06/2021 on passing on the duties of the Director of IMiIB during his leave - link
  • 02/07/2021 on passing on duties during a person’s leave - link


  • 8/10/2020 on the criteria for creating ranking lists for granting scholarships for the best postgraduates at the Faculty of Mechatronics in the 2020/2021 academic year - link
  • 8/10/2020 on defining criteria for creating ranking lists and the period of timefor which the Rector’s grants will be awarded for the best results students - link
  • 12/10/2020 on the functioning of the Faculty of Mechatronics during the epidemy - link
  • 12/10/2020 on the change of the mode of courses conducted at the Faculty of Mechatronics - link
  • 29/10/2020 on prolonging the remote studies at the Faculty of Mechatronics - link
  • 05/11/2020 r. on establishing a Dean’s Library Commission - link
  • 10/11/2020 on further prolongation of remote studies for courses conducted at the Faculty of Mechatronics - link
  • 23/11/2020 on creating a Dean’s Commission for Distinctions - link